The Enneagram Type 6 is known as the “Loyalist.” The key motivation of this type is to have security and support from others. An enneagram 6’s biggest fears are feeling unprepared and having a lack of guidance. Often, this type remains very close to a trusted group of friends.

If you find that you are a loyal and structured person or others describe you this way, you could be an enneagram type 6. Keep reading to learn the different qualities and characteristics of an Enneagram Type 6. 

Also, as with everyone, you have strengths, weaknesses, and even characteristics you overlook entirely.  The enneagram can help you become more aware of these traits and learn helpful ways for moving towards self-growth.

Enneagram Type 6 Characteristics

What It’s Like to Be an Enneagram 6

what's it like to be an enneagram 6

Typically, out of any of the other Enneagram types, 6s are very loyal and caring people.  They are highly dedicated to people and remain committed to deeply held ideas, beliefs, and systems.  When an Enneagram Type 6 believes in something, they will hold onto the belief wholeheartedly. However, type 6s also need to feel that they have support and guidance in their thoughts. Not having this security is one of Type 6’s greatest fears.

Most Enneagram Type 6s do have strong beliefs and ideas; they still want validation of these ideas. An enneagram six can have a challenging time being in tune with their inner thoughts because they can be conscientious about what others are thinking.

Type 6s also want to create the image that everything is put together perfectly in their life. To do this, 6s will seek to connect with authority figures to feel more credible and secure in their decisions. They usually cannot strongly rely on their thoughts and ideas, so they are more likely to depend on authority figures or friends.

Despite their fears, type 6s are incredibly hardworking, thoughtful, organized, and kind to others. They try their best to prepare for any situation, so they often think meticulously about different situations.

Even though type 6s might sound like they aren’t exactly sure what they want, deep down, they want to provide safety and security for themselves and those around them.  This type will go to great lengths to remain loyal to their word, those around them, and their actions.  An Enneagram Type 6 are great friends and care deeply about their relationships.

Healthy Enneagram 6

At their very best, a healthy Enneagram type 6 is known to be very trusting of themselves and others. Rather than being divisive, type 6s will see their cohorts and friends as equals in a healthy environment. 

An enneagram type 6 also makes great co-workers and will devote themselves to the team and their work. Their dedication is one of the qualities that make 6s great employees. But there is so much more to a healthy type 6 than being loyal and a hard worker.

Though the Enneagram type 6 is known for commitment and often expressing dependence upon others, this type can live and work independently within a safe environment. Even with this healthy independence, 6’s will continue to work interdependently with others. This type has cooperative, team-building characteristics, which can greatly assist communities, relationships, and workplaces.

Although Enneagram Type 6s can be skeptical, they can use their concern to propel themselves to serve others in a healthy environment. Their need to do good and move in a positive direction are some qualities that make type 6s so easy to recognize.

Unhealthy Enneagram 6

An Enneagram 6 will become most unhealthy when they feel security and guidance are lacking. These fears can cause type 6s to feel inferior. If an enneagram six feels inadequate or insecure, it may cause them to feel anxious and panicked and lash out at others. They will become cliquey and divisive, labeling people as friends or enemies.

Enneagram 6s in an unhealthy situation will become extremely hostile and suspicious, which is why they are also called “The Skeptic.” Environments that are not ideal for a type 6 may paint an image that the person is giving mixed signals.

It’s important to mention that type 6s are in the Head Triad, leading by first processing through thought. In unhealthy environments, 6s will make decisions out of fear. They feel that they must prepare for the worst, which can also start creating self-fulfilling prophecies. These cyclical fear-based decisions are very unhealthy and can lead to more severe problems.

In extremely unhealthy situations, type 6s will do anything to escape their anxieties or problems. This hopelessness can include bad choices that they may later regret.

An enneagram type 6 can avoid unhealthy environments by working through insecurity and seeking healthy relationships with others. 6s need to be aware of their weaknesses, so they can take action when these traits appear, rather than getting swept away in anxiety or worry.

Enneagram Type 6 Relationships

enneagram type 6 relationships

An Enneagram Type 6 will thrive off of relationships because of the security they bring them. Type 6s can make a relationship work well with any other Enneagram type. Each Enneagram type has different characteristics and qualities that they bring to the table, so every Enneagram relationship combination looks slightly different.  However, type six is excellent at creating bonds with all types.

  • A type 1 (The Reformer) and a type 6 have remarkably similar priorities, such as work ethic and honor. Type 1s are more decisive than type 6s, so they usually exercise leadership within the relationship. In times of trouble, 1s are more likely to become critical and serious-minded, making 6s a bit more anxious for the future of their relationship.
  • Type 2 (The Helper) and type 6 have great relationships despite prioritizing different qualities. Type 2s aim to please and foster more intimacy and positivity, while type 6 tries to maintain a secure and prosperous relationship. However, 2s and 6s need to do their best to control their emotions and autonomy. Otherwise, these two Enneagram types can push each other away.
  • Type 3 (The Achiever) and type 6 work well as a team. 3s are highly confident and optimistic, while 6s are grounded and realistic. Both types are hard workers, so they can achieve their dreams together. However, 3s and 6s have similar weak traits, which can cause the two types to become worn down by the other.
  • Type 4 (The Individualist) and type 6 are very empathetic Enneagram types, which usually bring these types together in a relationship. Together, a type 4 and a 6 are supportive of one another. A type 4 will often talk about their inner feelings and emotions, and a type 6 will be there to listen. However, since both of these types seek security and reassurance from one another, they may try to “test” the other to ensure they are loyal.
  • Type 5 (The Investigator) and type 6 are both in the Head Triad, bringing hard work and attention to detail to the relationship. Type 5s are a bit more sure of themselves, which attracts type 6s to trust them. Even though both 5s and 6s lead with their minds, they are different in accepting or rejecting ideas or authorities, which can cause problems between the two types.
  • When two type 6s come together, they bring their hardworking and trusting qualities to the table. They can give each other the mutual love and support that they need. However, two type 6s can also negatively affect the relationship since they have the same downfalls. Two type 6s might react emotionally and act out of fear with one another.
  • Type 7 (The Enthusiast) is also in the Head Triad along with type sixes. Even though these two types can counterbalance each other, sometimes they can have difficulty understanding one another because type 7 will be more optimistic about ideas, whereas type 6 will be more realistic. Type 7 is more visionary while type 6 is more practical, but both traits make a great team because type 7 can use their creativity, and type 6 can use their practical senses to keep the type 7 more grounded.
  • Type 8 (The Challenger) and type 6 can be skeptical of the world, bringing them together. Type 8 is much more direct and willing to make decisions, and type 6s gladly support their efforts. However, since 8s are more decisive, they can become worn out with a 6’s indecisiveness.
  • The final Enneagram type 9 (Peacemaker) and type 6 both want security in relationships, which is why this is a ubiquitous pairing. They both tend to be easy-going types, but 9’s will be more optimistic, and type 6’s can be more skeptical. However, since they are both people-pleasers, sometimes these two types may drift apart by fulfilling social roles.

Type 6 Enneagram Careers

In a career, type 6s need a job where they can give and receive security. 6s also thrive on responsibility, commitment, stability, and understanding of others. Some of the best occupations for enneagram type 6s are:

  • Dentist
  • Police Officer
  • Paralegal
  • Nanny
  • Nurse
  • Teacher

These occupations are best suited for enneagram type 6s because the schedule and workplace expectations are stable. Of course, some of the above careers don’t have the most regular schedules. However, having responsibility and serving others can make up for some who don’t have consistent plans.

Type 6s need a job where they feel needed and supported by their co-workers and teammates. That’s why competitive and intense occupations like sales aren’t the best line of work for type 6s.

Enneagram Type 6 Celebrities

10% of Enneagram test-takers score as type 6 according to Truity, and many celebrities are possible type sixes. These celebrities include household names and professionals that many people recognize.

Tom Hanks

Tom Hanks is a successful, award-winning actor that has been in movies including Castaway, Forrest Gump, Saving Private Ryan, Philadelphia, and many more. Outside of Hollywood, he is known for being extremely kind to fans and co-workers. Another type 6 feature is Tom Hank’s marriage with Rita Wilson, which has exceeded 30 years. These are just some traits that show how Tom Hanks is an Enneagram type 6.

Princess Diana

Late Diana, Princess of Wales, was known for being a commoner married to Prince Charles. Before becoming a princess, she was a preschool teacher, an excellent occupation for type 6s. Princess Diana was known for her kindness toward others and desired to create security for her country. One of her quotes that describes her Enneagram type is from her 1995 BBC interview where she stated, “I’d like to be a queen of people’s hearts, in people’s hearts.”

Sigmund Freud

This Austrian psychologist is widely known. Freud pioneered many different theories, such as psychoanalysis, the unconscious mind, and the psyche, to name a few. Like most enneagram type 6s, Freud was an incredibly hardworking individual and was committed to his occupation.

Key Enneagram 6 Traits

The emotions of an enneagram six rest within the thinking center.  They are analytical and great problem solvers.  They are also able to identify possible threats and help minimize risk.  Because of this, sixes typically are responsible, trustworthy, dependable, and hardworking.

The core desire of a six is to be secure and supported.

The message a six most wants to hear is, “You are safe.”

The gifts of an Enneagram type 6 include:

  • Devotion: Sixes are committed to what they value, expressing duty and care in serving people, responsibilities, and causes.
    Courage: Sixes often courageously stand on behalf of the greater good, despite concerns and risks.
  • Preparedness: Being alert and risk-aware, Sixes pay attention to what is happening in their world and act to minimize risks and threats.
  • Trustworthiness: Once Sixes make a decision or commitment, they stick to it. They also respect rules and authority, as long as they can trust the source or intention.
  • Team-Oriented: Sixes enjoy the cooperation and collaboration of groups and thrive in a healthy team environment. (

Further Signs Of An Enneagram Type 6

  • You can find commonalities with others quickly
  • You create strong attachments to those you trust
  • You are often very skeptical of the people around you
  • You try to prepare for the worst in your mind
  • You consider yourself to be a private person at times
  • You feel best when you feel your relationships, work, and home seem secure

If these things sound like your traits, you are most likely an enneagram type 6. Even though you trust others wholeheartedly, you are cautious about the people you bring into your inner circle. However, once you create a bond with someone, it is often a bond that can last a lifetime.

Enneagram Test Type 6

If you think type 6 might be your Enneagram type but still feel unsure, you can take a test.  We recommend the Truity Enneagram Test.

free enneagram test

The Truity online Enneagram test will provide a score to indicate how strongly your answers identify with each of the nine Enneagram personality types.  These scores are helpful because you can use them to determine traits you are familiar with or recognize things you have been unaware of.

To take the Free Enneagram Test offered by Truity, click HERE!

Truity also provides a six-page report of in-depth information and questions to help you identify your enneagram type.  Over one million users have taken this test and have been satisfied with their results.

Are you still undecided whether or not you’re an Enneagram Type 6? Check out the post:  Learn How to Find Your Enneagram With 4 Helpful Tips