This post will look at enneagram type 9 career choices that provide a sense of purpose.  Below is more than a generic listing of job titles; you’ll find ideas for finding and creating work that you enjoy as an enneagram nine.

The purpose of connecting the dots between your enneagram type and a career is NOT to narrow you into a specific field or niche but to help you understand what motivates you as a person and how to connect that with work that you’ll find fulfilling.

The Enneagram is useful for discovering your personality type and the core motivations that shape you.  It is also useful for helping you find a career path that will be meaningful and fulfilling.

Enneagram Type 9 Careers And How Personality Plays An Important Role In Enjoying Work

Enneagram Nines are often the glue that holds relationships together. They are diplomatic in their choice of words, modest, and generally easy-going. Nines tend to be agreeable and can often downplay their wants or needs. They are also great listeners and at seeing both sides of things.

The nine enneagram numbers are divided into three triads of expression: Action, Feeling, and Thinking.  An Enneagram Nine is situated within the action center.  However, their action or lack, therefore, is an effort to maintain or create peace.  Because of this, nines typically are harmonious, adaptable, and great at considering different perspectives.

The core desire of a nine is peace.

The message nines long to hear is, “You matter too.”

The gifts of an Enneagram Nine include:

  • Agreeable: Nines are easy to get along with. Others experience them as open, receptive, and peaceful.
  • Understanding: Nines can listen to differences and understand multiple perspectives, with great skill in synthesis and finding commonalities across differences.
  • Patient: Nines do things calmly and sustainably, trusting the natural rhythm of projects and processes.
  • Supportive: Others feel accepted, heard, and understood in the presence of Nines. They accept people for who they are and see their full potential.
  • Genuine: You see what you get with a Nine, and they are unpretentious. Others can be at ease with them. (

Considering these traits, an enneagram nine is called the “Peacemaker.”   Therefore, Enneagram Type 9 careers that provide an opportunity to mediate conflicts, support others, and bring groups together will allow them to naturally lean into their giftings and personality traits.

If you’re unsure which number you are, feel free to check out the post: Four Free And Accurate Enneagram Tests to help you identify your type.  If necessary, take a little more time to discover your type and then come back to read more about what careers would be a good fit for you.

enneagram type 9 career motivations

Key Motivations That Should Influence Enneagram Type 9 Careers

Type Nines can thrive at work when the role aligns with their core motivations.  Below are six critical motivations of Enneagram 9s, along with five demotivators that will hinder work engagement.

How To Motivate An Enneagram Nine

A career will be motivating to an Enneagram Type 9 if the work is:

  • Helping others resolve a problem
  • Listening and responsive to people’s needs
  • Making a difference
  • Uniting groups of people
  • Stable
  • Solution-oriented

The Reason Why Some Careers Are Draining To Enneagram Type 9’s

When a person experiences stress or fatigue in a job, it is often related to activities draining the individual.  While there are almost always some aspects of work that a person will favor less than others, it is important to identify which parts of your job are energizing and which are draining.

Because an Enneagram Nine is motivated by a desire to create peace and bring people together, if they do work that causes them to compromise this core longing, it will not be fulfilling to them.

How To Demotivate An Enneagram Nine

Enneagram Nines will be demotivated from engaging with their work if:

  • Their voice is not heard or requested
  • It is fast-paced
  • Leadership avoids relationship with them
  • Unresolved issues linger
  • Forced to make difficult decisions alone

If you are Enneagram Nine, assess your current role and look for opportunities you may be overlooking to use your unique giftings and talents.

career help for enneagram 9

Famous Enneagram Type 9’s & Their Career

Below is a list provided by The Enneagram Institute of famous people who could be considered to be enneagram nines.  Please notice that while they may share similar motivations and characteristics, their careers are various and in a wide range of work.

Famous Enneagram Nines:

Queen Elizabeth II, Princess Grace of Monaco, Claude Monet, Norman Rockwell, Abraham Lincoln, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, John F. Kennedy, Jr.

General Colin Powell, Walter Cronkite, Carl Jung, Carl Rogers, Joseph Campbell, Walt Disney, Jim Henson (Muppets), Garrison Keillor, Gloria Steinem, Tony Bennett, Ringo Starr, Carlos Santana

James Taylor, Janet Jackson, Jack Johnson, George Lucas, Ron Howard, Gary Cooper, Jimmy Stewart, Audrey Hepburn, Sophia Loren, Kevin Costner, Annette Bening, Jeff Bridges, Morgan Freeman

John Goodman, Matthew Broderick, Whoopie Goldberg, Woody Harrelson, Geena Davis, Jason Segel, Lisa Kudrow, Toby McGuire, Zooey Deschanel

The spectrum of work represented by the list of type nines above varies tremendously.  Therefore, concerning enneagram type 9 careers, I believe the best question is, How can an Enneagram Nine allow their giftings and healthy motivations to influence work they believe is meaningful?

18 Popular Enneagram Type 9 Career Fields:

  • Psychology
  • Therapy
  • Editor
  • Health & Wellness Instructor
  • Veterinary
  • Military
  • Author
  • Philosophy
  • Politics
  • Leadership
  • Law
  • Philanthropy
  • Social Work
  • Business
  • Entertainment
  • Musicians
  • Actors
  • Athlete

If you still are unsure or feel stuck, try the following two suggestions.

Two Ways To Address Your Career If You’re Unhappy As An Enneagram 9

  1. Consider if there is room in your current work to fulfill some of the motivations listed above.  If not, speak to your employer about how you might be able to help in those areas.
  2. Consider if you are engaged in a field of work that you believe is important and meaningful.  If not, begin a journey of identifying career paths that you believe will be fulfilling.

If you believe it is time to change, use the Enneagram Career Guide For Type Nine to help navigate toward meaningful work.

Successful Enneagram Type 9 Careers Conclusion

Healthy Enneagram Type 9 Careers should not be limited to a specific field or title.  A career choice for an Enneagram Nine should be based on their freedom to create peace by resolving problems and bringing groups together.  Nines thrive in an environment where their need for stability is understood and can drive positive change by supporting others and mediating conflict.

To Summarize:

  1. Identify what motivates you
  2. Assess if there is room in your current job to capitalize on your key motivations and giftings
  3. Evaluate if you are in a field that you feel is important
  4. Consider if the work you are doing is meaningful to you and helpful to others

Career options for an Enneagram Type 9 can be limitless once you realize that you’ll find enjoyment from work that provides opportunities to solve problems and unite groups.

Connecting your passion with the work you enjoy should not be so difficult.

How much is a frustrating work environment costing you?

Could your life be more fulfilling if you had a clear path toward meaningful work?

Are you wasting time and stress because you’re unsure what to do next? A confusing, tired, boring career may already cost you a great deal.

enneagram type 9 careers


The Enneagram Career Guide is an interactive workbook that uses the lens of the enneagram to help you create alignment between your personal motivations and your work.

The Enneagram Career Guide will help you with the following:

    1. Become aware of thoughts that are limiting you and replace them.
    2. Identify what motivates you.
    3. Consider if your current work is meaningful to you and helpful to others.
    4. Use The new information about yourself to enhance your career.

What Is Included In The Career Guide?

  • 35-page downloadable workbook
  • Explanation of type
  • Key motivations of type
  • Demotivators of type
  • Evaluation of current career path
  • Connecting your key motivations with career options
  • Next steps

FAQs About The Enneagram Career Guide

Will you mail me a physical copy of the Career Guide?

The Career Guide is delivered by email as a PDF file.  It is yours to keep and use as often as needed.

What is your refund policy?

Because our products are digital goods delivered via Internet download, refund requests made after you have downloaded our product are handled case-by-case and are issued at our sole discretion. Refund requests, if any, must be made within ten (10) days of your original purchase.

Do you have career guides available for other types?

Yes, you can view all available career guides by clicking HERE.

How do I pay for the career guide?

After you select the guides using the purchase button, select checkout.  You will then be taken to the checkout page.  On the checkout page, you can choose your payment method.  Enter your information and finalize by selecting the purchase button.

Download the guide specifically created to help direct enneagram type 9 careers! Create a clear path toward work you love and that is helpful to others too!

enneagram type 9 careers


The Goal of the Enneagram Career Guide is to help you:

1. Become aware of thoughts that are limiting you and replace them.

2. Identify what motivates you.

3. Consider if your work is meaningful to you and helpful to others.

4. Use the new information about yourself to enhance your career.

Too often, we use the wrong lens when examining our career opportunities.

We say things like:

“I’m stuck here,”

“It’s too late to change,”

“I blew it (I’m a loser).”

“There are no opportunities out there for me.”

“I don’t need to network.”

“I can’t risk losing the money I make now.”

“I’ll be doing this forever.”

These are all limiting thoughts and do not have to be true for your life.

You can change, overcome, learn new skills, make adjustments, and create alignment.

You can connect the dots between your giftings and your career.

Using this guide to help you align your passion with work is worthwhile, and know that I am cheering for you!  Here’s to pursuing a meaningful career as an Enneagram Nine!