Using the Enneagram requires being sincerely honest with yourself. Your Enneagram personality type can help you recognize your unconscious habits, strongest desires, and deepest fears. Learning the Enneagram personality type that you resonate with the most can strengthen self-awareness, reveal strengths and weaknesses, and help you develop healthy behavior.

Besides taking a test, there are other ways you can discover your Enneagram type. Most people can somewhat relate to each type, but you will always have a dominant number, including one or two Wing types. Studying the types, you identify with and comparing your experiences can help you determine which one best represents you.

Read on to learn how to find out your Enneagram type so you can determine which one fits you best. You can also find out more about Wing types, like what they are and which ones you believe are most relatable. There are helpful tips to guide you to your final decision and recommendations for the best Enneagram personality tests to assess your assumptions.

How To Find Your Enneagram Type

Consider The Motivations Of Each Enneagram Type

Examining the enneagram motivation of each type is quite possibly the most effective way to hone in on which number you most strongly identify with. Honestly evaluating which motivations you deeply connect with is a great first step for finding your enneagram type.

The motivations for each enneagram type are separated into two categories containing aspects that make a person who identifies with that personality type unique. These categories are the Enneagram core desires and the Enneagram core fears. You might find all of the core desires and fears relatable, but you only truly have one dominant.

Uncovering your motivations can help you understand why you think and respond the way you do and dive deeper into the Enneagram type you identify with.

Enneagram Motivations Of Type One: The Reformer

As a dominant Enneagram type one, you are wise of the faults we have in our world and put in efforts to bring out its best to become a better place. You want to bring out the best in people, but that can sometimes come off too harsh and high-standard for them. You are a very responsible and mature person and caring with ethical morale.

  • Enneagram Core Desires: Being ethical and having integrity
  • Enneagram Core Fears: Being immoral or corrupt

Enneagram Motivations Of Type Two: The Helper

As a dominant Enneagram type two, you have a deep understanding of your friends and family and feel a sense of responsibility derived from your love to help them when they are in need. You are insightful and can read people like an open book. You sometimes question the validity of your own emotions and instead focus on others’ for a thoughtful gesture.

  • Enneagram Core Desires: Being loved and feeling wanted
  • Enneagram Core Fears: Being rejected and labeled as “too needy.”

Enneagram Motivations Of Type Three: The Achiever

As a dominant Enneagram type three, you have trouble sitting still for too long because you like to get moving and do something useful. When working, you make sure to do everything swiftly and efficiently. You are a quick learner and have an optimistic attitude, making you an excellent mentor in the workplace. You sometimes feel like you are only known for your achievements.

  • Enneagram Core Desires: Being successful and respected
  • Enneagram Core Fears: Being a failure and feeling worthless

Enneagram Motivations Of Type Four: The Individualist

As a dominant Enneagram type four, you are a creative soul with a unique style and want to show the world the beauty that being yourself can bring. You don’t have a problem sharing with others about your struggles because they are what make you who you are. You have a spot-on intuition. You are very sensitive and can sometimes get caught up in your emotions.

  • Enneagram Core Desires: Being authentic and unique
  • Enneagram Core Fears: Being insignificant and flawed

Enneagram Motivations Of Type Five: The Investigator

As a dominant Enneagram type five, you have a hunger for learning and like to take the time to soak in the details of the topics you’re interested in to better understand them. You have no problem persevering to analyze the fine print before making your final decisions. You like being alone, but you sometimes can over-isolate yourself and feel lonely.

  • Enneagram Core Desires: Being knowledgeable and self-sufficient
  • Enneagram Core Fears: Being helpless and ignorant

Enneagram Motivations Of Type Six: The Loyalist

As a dominant Enneagram type six, you prefer to surround yourself with the many friends you make through your warm and compassionate attitude. You are very loyal to the ones you love. You’re witty and helpful and make an excellent problem-solver. You hate being alone because your thoughts are loud, and when there is no one there to support you, you tend to overthink.

  • Enneagram Core Desires: Having enough support and feeling secure
  • Enneagram Core Fears: Being abandoned and feeling fear itself

Enneagram Motivations Type Seven: The Enthusiast

As a dominant Enneagram type seven, you love to have fun and live life like there’s no tomorrow; you are known amongst your large circle of friends as the life of the party. You have a way of bringing people together with your bubbly and energetic attitude. New experiences feed your curiosity. You are afraid of being left out of the fun or being left behind by your friends.

  • Enneagram Core Desires: Being happy and feeling unrestrained
  • Enneagram Core Fears: Being left out and feeling trapped

Enneagram Motivations Type Eight: The Challenger

As a dominant Enneagram type eight, you have a straightforward and hands-on approach to things because you know what needs to be done and aren’t afraid to do it. You have tremendous confidence in what you do; you always know why and what you’re doing, making you leadership material. You aren’t fond of being bossed around by other people, and others doing so can make you angry.

  • Enneagram Core Desires: Being independent and protective
  • Enneagram Core Fears: Being controlled and feeling vulnerable

Enneagram Motivations Of Type Nine: The Peacemaker

As a dominant Enneagram type nine, you don’t like conflict, so you resolve the conflicts between others to keep the peace with everyone. You are empathetic and open-minded, so you understand different perspectives in conflict. You are scared of your friend groups separating, so you keep the peace no matter your cost.

  • Enneagram Core Desires: Being stable and feeling at peace
  • Enneagram Core Fears: Being in conflict and losing connection with others

Sources: Enneagram Explained, Your Enneagram Coach, Rel Consultants

If you are still unsure of your enneagram type, the next thing you can do is begin to study Each number’s wings and how these unique combinations typically interact and respond.

Study the Wings of Each Type

enneagram wings

According to the Enneagram theory, people are usually not strictly one Enneagram personality type but a mixture of their dominant and Wing types. While your dominant personality type reflects your overall personality, Enneagram Wings are elements that complement it. Your Wing type usually is the personality to the left or right of your dominant on the wheel.

Enneagram 1 Wings

Enneagram 1 Wing 9: When those with the first Enneagram personality type have the ninth Enneagram Wing type, they ask others for their opinions of a person before judging them instead of judging them on solely their own opinion. Wing nines are also more relaxed and less stressed.

Enneagram 1 Wing 2: When those with the first Enneagram personality type have the second Enneagram Wing type, they are kinder and more generous to those they cherish rather than hard on them because of their high standards and morals.

Enneagram 2 Wings

Enneagram 2 Wing 1: When those with the second Enneagram personality type have the first Enneagram Wing type, they feel less obligated to help everyone and focus more on people who need help with dedicated tasks. Wing ones are also less afraid of saying no.

Enneagram 2 Wing 3: When those with the second Enneagram personality type have the third Enneagram Wing type, they are more comfortable with having a leadership role and find that being respected by others is just as good as being liked by others.

Enneagram 3 Wings

Enneagram 3 Wing 2: When those with the third Enneagram personality type have the second Enneagram Wing type, they are sensitive to others’ feelings because they are understanding and empathetic people. Wing twos tend to focus on helping their co-workers, close friends, and family members.

Enneagram 3 Wing 4: When those with the third Enneagram personality type have the fourth Enneagram Wing type, they don’t suppress their own emotions to be a shoulder to cry on and instead mutually engage in emotional conversations. Wing fours also tend to dabble in the arts.

Enneagram 4 Wings

Enneagram 4 Wing 3: When those with the fourth Enneagram personality type have the third Enneagram Wing type, they don’t mind being in the spotlight because they are far less shy. Wing threes are also action-oriented and more confident in their work.

Enneagram 4 Wing 5: When those with the fourth Enneagram personality type have the fifth Enneagram Wing type, they have a higher intuition and perception while still showing self-restraint. Wing fives are also more objective despite their emotional attitudes.

Enneagram 5 Wings

Enneagram 5 Wing 4: When those with the fifth Enneagram personality type have the fourth Enneagram Wing type, they can express their emotions and show others their sensitive side. Wing fours tend to engage in the arts or show appreciation for the arts.

Enneagram 5 Wing 6: When those with the fifth Enneagram personality type have the sixth Enneagram Wing type, their intuition comes naturally through instant processing rather than from intense thinking and knowledge from sources. Wing sixes also make excellent team players.

Enneagram 6 Wings

Enneagram 6 Wing 5: When those with the sixth Enneagram personality type have the fifth Enneagram Wing type, they focus on themselves and are slightly more independent. Wing fives also have a great passion for knowledge, whether it’s to feel prepared or just for the sake of learning.

Enneagram 6 Wing 7: When those with the sixth Enneagram personality type have the seventh Enneagram Wing type, they have clashing characteristics, making them more optimistic about things than always seeing the negatives. Wing sevens also tend to be less worried.

Enneagram 7 Wings

Enneagram 7 Wing 6: When those with the seventh Enneagram personality type have the sixth Enneagram Wing type, they have increased perception, which allows them to anticipate problems before they even happen, making them excellent problem-solvers. Wing sixes tend to have more control and act deliberately rather than instantaneously.

Enneagram 7 Wing 8: When those with the sixth Enneagram personality type have the eighth Enneagram Wing type, they come at tasks with a more hands-on approach from the desire to make things happen. Wing eights also have a more direct and assertive attitude. 

Enneagram 8 Wings

Enneagram 8 Wing 7: When those with the eighth Enneagram personality type have the seventh Enneagram Wing type, they are more experimental with their work and regular life because they find trying new things fun and adventurous. Wing sevens also tend to be more lighthearted rather than intimidating.

Enneagram 8 Wing 9: When those with the eighth Enneagram personality type have the ninth Enneagram Wing type, they are less quick to anger and find less conflict because of their warmer personality. Wing nines also take the time to listen to others’ opinions rather than only believing in their own opinion.

Enneagram 9 Wings

Enneagram 9 Wing 8: When those with the ninth Enneagram personality type have the eighth Enneagram Wing type, they are leader material because they can take charge and be assertive while still listening and understanding others’ opinions. Wing eights also tend to work quickly and clearly, even under pressure.

Enneagram 9 Wing 1: When those with the ninth Enneagram personality type have the first Enneagram Wing type, they can stay focused because they like to pay attention to the fine details. Wing ones also tend to be more refined people with good morals.

Sources: Enneagram Institute, The Enneagram In Business

Your enneagram wing(s) influence your core motivations and are an extension of your unique personality. However, if you still need further clarity concerning your Enneagram type, the next suggestion can be beneficial!

Listen to A Panel Discussion from The Same Enneagram Types

Some aspects of the Enneagram personality type you closely resonate with might throw you off in your self-discovery journey. Interacting with others who identify with the same Enneagram personality type as you think you do, who are more learned on the subject, can give you insight on if you’re correct. People who share Enneagram personality types tend to have similar traits and characteristics.

Years ago, I heard more and more about the Enneagram through the different podcasts I listened to. As a type 5 (not knowing it at the time), my curiosity was piqued, and I began to dive into learning all about the Enneagram.

One day while at the gym, I listened to a panel of people describe what it was like to live and think as an enneagram five on a podcast episode. I had never heard words that so accurately described what it was like to be me. It felt like, for once, someone was describing how I thought and felt. It was comforting, like, “I’m not the only one.”

The Typology Podcast is hosted by Ian Morgan Cron, a famous teacher in the Enneagram community known for his teachings about the Enneagram of Personality’s philosophy. In this podcast, he invites recognized people who have used the Enneagram theory to teach them more about themselves and their life’s path to talk about their journey through self-discovery.

Another step you can take toward narrowing down your enneagram type is discussing a close friend or small group of trusted individuals.

Ask for Feedback From A Close Friend

You might find it hard to determine which of the Enneagram personality types could be your dominant because most attributes are relatable. If you would like to get a third-person perspective of what it’s like to know you so you can narrow down your choices, then asking your close friends and family their opinions on which personality you might be can be helpful.

If you have used the previous four tips to find your enneagram type but would like a little more confirmation about the information you’ve gathered, then take a test.

Taking an Enneagram Test can be a beneficial exercise; however, I always encourage others to use them alongside their study and personal work. If starting with a test, realize it is just the beginning.

Bonus Tip: Take an Enneagram Test to Confirm Your Assumptions

Now that you have gained more knowledge of the Enneagram of Personality, you might have distinguished which dominant Enneagram type fits you best. You could take a test and determine if you concur with your results to confirm your assumptions. Below are some of the best free and paid Enneagram tests to help you confirm your type.

Free Enneagram Personality Tests

If you are only seeking to find out what Enneagram personality type fits you the best, you can use a website’s Enneagram personality test that is free of charge. Two of the best free Enneagram personality tests that still provide in-depth results are the Truity test and the Cloverleaf assessment.

Truity Benefits:

free enneagram test

  • Extensive: The Truity test not only tells you your core Enneagram personality type but also your scores for each of nine Enneagram personality types.
  • Quick: The Truity test has 105 questions and takes about 10 minutes to complete

To take the Free Enneagram Test offered by Truity, click HERE!

Cloverleaf Benefits:

cloverleaf enneagram coaching review

  • Fresh: The assessment questions are unique and fun to answer
  • Relational: Compare how your type may interact in a relationship

To take the Free Enneagram Test offered by Cloverleaf, click HERE!

The Best Paid For Enneagram Personality Tests

If you want to further your knowledge of your Enneagram personality type, you should choose from the best Enneagram tests. If you are paying for an Enneagram test, you should do some research on the best tests so you can be sure to get the most accurate and helpful results. The two best tests are the RHETI test and the iEQ9 test.

The Riso-Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator Benefits:

  • Low Price: The RHETI test only costs $12.
  • Thorough Testing: The RHETI test has 144 questions and takes about 40 minutes to complete.
  • In-Depth: For your top three Enneagram personality scores, the RHETI report provides descriptions, including your strengths and weaknesses, at 2500 words for each.
  • Accurate: The RHETI test is 72% accurate.

Integrative Enneagram Questionnaire Benefits: 

  • Fair Price: The iEQ9 test can be used for at-home life for $60 or work life for $120.
  • Thorough Testing: The iEQ9 test has 175 questions and takes about 30 minutes to complete.
  • In-Depth: The iEQ9 report teaches you about more than just your Enneagram, but how to use your Enneagram to guide you through self-discovery.
  • Accurate: The iEQ9 test is 95% accurate.

To Take Either Paid For Enneagram Test, Click Here!

How To Find Your Enneagram Type Summary

Since all Enneagram personality type tests are not wholly accurate, it is best to do your research and be honest to find your core Enneagram personality type and Enneagram Wing type. Learning how to find your Enneagram type is worth the effort. It can help you grow in life, and you can use the knowledge you’ve gained to guide you through self-discoveries.